TryHackMe JWT Json Web Tokens




Json Web Token's are a fairly interesting case, as it isn't a vulnerability itself. Infact, it's a fairly popular, and if done right very secure method of authentication. The basic structure of a JWT is this, it goes "header.payload.secret", the secret is only known to the server, and is used to make sure that data wasn't changed along the way. Everything is then base64 encoded.  TryHackMe JWT Json Web Tokens

so an example JWT token would look like 




Meaning that if we are able to control the secret, we can effectively control the data. To be able to do this we have to understand how the secret is calculated. This requires knowing the structure of the header, a typical JWT header looks like this {"typ":"JWT","alg":"RS256"}. We're interested in the alg field. RS256 uses a private RSA key that's only available to the server, so that's not vulnerable. However, We can change that field to HS256, This is calculated using the server's public key, which in certain circumstances we may have access too. instashell

Manual JWT Exploitation

We start off with a basic application

With a JWT, and a JWT verifier. Sending it garbage results in a failure, so let's try decoding the JWT.

Decoding the JWT gives us our header, payload, and a bunch of garbage which is the secret. instashell github

Unfortunately it seems the algorithm is RS256, which doesn't have any vulnerabilities. Fortunately for us though, this server leaves its public key lying around, which means we can change the algorithm and sign a new secret! The first step is to change the algorithm in the header to HS256, and then re encode it in base64.  hacking truth


Our new JWT is eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0






The next step is to convert the public key to hex so openssl will use it.

(Explanation: a is the file with the public key, xxd -p turns the contents of a file to hex, and tr is there to get rid of any newlines)

The next step is to use openssl to sign that as a valid HS256 key.

Everything is going just fine so far!. The final step is to decode that hex to binary data, and reencode it in base64, luckily python makes this really easy for us.

That's our final secret, now we just put that where the secret should go, and the server should accept it.

So our final JWT would beeyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.<payload>.<new secret>

Automatic JWT exploitation

Due to the fact that JWT tokens often expire, there's no real way to guarantee that finding the public key is possible, and that there is no way to keep the data portion of the JWT consistent, there aren't tools avaliable that automatically exploit JWT vulnerabilities. JWT vulns have to be exploited on a case by case basis.

Now that doesn't mean you can't write a script that does everything automatically for a specific website that you know is vulnerable, it's just that by the time you succeed in doing that, you could have already exploited the vulnerability.


The challenge is effectively the exact same application shown in the Manual exploitation section. If you succeed in exploiting it, you will get the flag!

The public key can be found at /public.pem.

Generated JWT tokens will also expire after a certain amount of time, so if you don't get it the first try, try doing it faster!

Note: some recommended reading here :-  Click Here


In addition to the previous vulnerability, certain JWT libraries have another devastating vulnerability. There is actually three possible algorithms, two of them RS256 and HS256 which we have already studied. There is a third algorithm, known as None. According to the official JWT RFC the None algorithm is used when you still want to use JWT, however there is other security in place to stop people from spoofing data.

RFC :- Click Here


Unfortunately certain JWT libraries clearly didn't read the RFC, allowing a vulnerability where an attacker can switch to the None algorithm, in the same way one switches to RS256 to HS255, and have the token be completely valid without even needing to calculate a secret.

#1 Remember to read the RFC when your developing a library.

Manually exploitating the JWT None vuln

We start off with a simple login application.

Logging in gives us a user screen, as well as a JWT token.

Let's examine that token in the wonderful site

(Very nice site btw, definitely recommend for all your jwt needs)

Now let's try changing the alg field to none, get rid of the signature, and change the role to admin. That leaves us with this final jwt token. eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJhdXRoIjoxNTg1MzQ1ODg0MjA0LCJhZ2





The interesting this is we still need is a second . to denote that a signature would be there, even though we don't put anything after it. Let's try popping that token in where the cookie is supposed to be.the linux choice shellphish

Automatic Exploitation

There is no tool that can check the library, get the token, and make sure this is vulnerable. Therefore, you're gonna have to do this manually. The header for each JWT none vuln though is the same, which can help you out. Here's the header


Which decodes to {"type": "JWT", "alg": "none"}

#1 What is the flag?

JWT once again

Recall that JWT HS256 is calculated using a secret.The exact format of the calculation is

HMACSHA256( base64UrlEncode(header) + "." + base64UrlEncode(payload), secret)

Therefore, it stands to reason that, since we have the full jwt token, and the header and payload, the secret can be brute forced to obtain the full JWT token. If the secret can be brute forced then the attacker could sign his own JWT tokens.

Bruteforcing JWT tokens.

To brute force these secrets we'll be using a tool called jwt-cracker. The syntax of jwt-cracker isjwt-cracker <token> [alphabet] [max-length] where alphabet and max-length are optional parameters.


Explanation of Paramaters:

Token: The HS256 JWT token

Alphabet: The alphabet that the cracker will use to check passwords(default: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")



The max expected length of the secret(12 by default)

Using an example token from lets see how long it takes to crack.

In 4 seconds, we've tried 300000 passwords and cracked the secret!

[Bonus Section]: Challenge

Given the following token



What is the secret?

Ans :- Please mention in comment below


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- Hacking Truth by Kumar Atul Jaiswal

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