Information Security Field


Information Security Field

There is a deep well of information security because in the world which people prefer to use computer more than understand how it works and in what ways break any security.

The term hacker was born in the sixties in the MIT community. To such people, we can feel things like their inner curiosity, highly intelligent, strongly motivated. Information Security Field

The world of Infosec may hackers, keeping curiosity about the computer system and bypassing restrictions in new ways even software vendors for programmers and understanding any security pitfall of any kind of implementation.

Being able to attack also means being able to have an in-depth understanding of the techniques and workings of the target system. To be a hacker means you should have that hunger which is present in successful hackers today. Hackers explore and improve their skills daily.

There is always something new to learn something interesting to try for something exciting to Study

NOTE- The history of hacking could be a complete book in itself.

If you search the word hacking on the internet, then not only you will get the results of every word of the world of hacking.

Hacking is more of an approach or a lifestyle applied to telephone lines people and software development.

Becoming an information security professional means acquiring the knowledge of hacking with your own honesty and never stop challenging yourself and your colleagues.

Nowadays a big company or government store or processes any kind of confidential data using advanced technology on computer or mobile device.

The data is not only organized but also has to be transmitted from private network to public network or any other computer. It is a must to protect sensitive information. Companies pay a premium to safeguard their data and ensure that their systems are protected or atleast they should

Also read - CEHv10 Pentesting

Career opportunities

The even more important sectors is the national cyber security. Recently Government have to face a broad range of Cyber threats: global cyber syndicates hackers for hire activist terrorist and state sponsored hackers.

With critical infrastructure like power plants, trains, aeroplanes, or dams being controlled by computers using hacking skills for good has become critical for the safety of nations.

Companies and governments need it Implementing hardware and software defense systems to protect their digital assets.

At the same time, they are required to train every single employee in their entire organization-

# Secure applications are developed.
# Proper defensive measures are taken and
# That proper use of the companies data is in place.

IT Security is a very difficult game a way to ensure that a system is secure from cyber threats is by hiring your penetration Tester.

Penetration Tester is also known as penteseters are professionals who are hired to simulate a hacking attack against a network, computer system or a web application or the entire organisation.

They master the same tools and techniques that malicious hackers use to discover any and all vulnerability in the system they test.

Also read - CEHv10 Terminologies

These Highly skilled professionals often work-

# Work as a freelancer,
# In an IT security services company,
# As at work from home.

Moreover, as IT is a broad knowledge domain, they can specialize in specific infosec sectors such as:

# System attacks
# Web application attacks
# Malware analysis
# Reverse Engineering
# Android applications

Passionate, skillful and knowledge hungry is essential for a successful pentesting career.

Also read - What is Hacking ? is it illegal or legal ?

Information Security Terms

Speaking the domain language is fundamental in any field it helps you to better understand the industry and better communicate with your colleagues.


Also read - Information security terms


Root or Administrator

The root or Administrator users are the users who manage IT networks or single systems. They have the maximum privileges over a system.



In a computer system, privileges identify the action that a user is allowed to do. The higher the privileges, the more the control over a systems a user has. Privileges escalation is an attack where a malicious user gains elevated privileges over a system.


Also read - DOS and DDOS Attack



Remote Code Execution

During a remote code execution attack a malicious user manager to execute some attacker controlled code on a victim remote machine. Remote code execution vulnerability is a very dangerous can be exploited over the network by remote attacker.


Also read - RCE practical here




A shell code is a piece of custom code which provides attack sale on the victim machine. Shellcodes are generally used during remote code execution attacks.





All tutorials are for informational and educational purposes only and have been made using our own routers, servers, websites and other vulnerable free resources. we do not contain any illegal activity. We believe that ethical hacking, information security and cyber security should be familiar subjects to anyone using digital information and computers. Hacking Truth is against misuse of the information and we strongly suggest against it. Please regard the word hacking as ethical hacking or penetration testing every time this word is used. We do not promote, encourage, support or excite any illegal activity or hacking.

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